Books for software engineers and managers
Hi, I’m Brian.
I’m the Sr. Director of Engineering at TrainingPeaks where we’re building the world’s best training app for coaches and athletes. But that’s not what this website is about.
This website is about the magic of books.
Books offer leverage, consolidating years of knowledge and experience into a few hundred pages. How lucky we are to have books.
In most books, I find 4-5 great ideas applicable to my life and the craft of software engineering. Ideas that challenge the way I think. Ideas that transform my behavior. Ideas that I want to share with you.
The more I read, the more connections I see between disparate topics.
A book about baseball player development reminds me of growing junior software engineers into high performers; a book about managing financial portfolios teaches me about hiring; a book on copywriting helps level up messages to my team.
I take notes so I don’t forget these ideas and connections. Notes help me reflect on the past, plan for the future, and live in the present.
Enjoy my notes, connect with me on LinkedIn, and read a book.
Twitter: @brianhaveri
Disclaimer: The views expressed are mine alone and do not necessarily reflect the views of my employer.
2020 was a good year for reading and I finished 63 books.
Totals by year:
One of the coolest things to happen from this blog is receiving congratulations from Gene Kim, co-author of The Phoenix Project, Accelerate, and more.