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Books to Improve Code  Testability

by Brian

Engineering Manager,
Tech Lead,
Star Engineer,
New Engineer


Many engineers want to write more automated tests but don’t actually know how. These books will cover techniques and concepts like dependency injection and separation of concerns, which increase the testability of your code.

Working Effectively With Legacy  Code

by Michael C. Feathers

Working Effectively With Legacy Code

Recommended: 7 / 10

Working Effectively With Legacy Code provides detailed examples of refactoring existing code to increase testability. You’ll learn specific techniques and strategies for getting an untested codebase under control. Increasing the testability of your code using these patterns will increase the maintainability of the code and your confidence making changes.

See top ideas from Working Effectively With Legacy Code

Clean Architecture

A Craftsman’s Guide to Software Structure and  Design

by Bob Martin

Clean Architecture

Recommended: 9 / 10

Clean Architecture covers code architectures that better support automated testing. You’ll learn about SOLID principles and how a strong separation of concerns can make your code more testable.

See top ideas from Clean Architecture

Books to Improve Code Testability